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Biltong vs. Jerky: Differences between These Two Dried Meats


When it comes to savoury snacks, there probably isn’t anything that can really match up to the delicious prospect of dried meats. Two of the common vehicles used in this domain are biltong and jerky. Although these two dessert can be mistaken for each other they differ in taste, texture, and background. As more people discover these delicious bites, the question arises: what are the differences between biltong and jerky which really defines biltong? In this episode of SnackFever, we will introduce you to the two snacks and learn about their histories and peculiarities as well as discover the places where you can enjoy these snacks!

What is Biltong and Jerky?

So while biltong and jerky are essentially air-dried meats, the processes undertaken to prepare each differ slightly and thus the taste profiles differ too.

Biltong is an original product of Southern Africa. It is usually prepared using beef or any sort of game meats such as kudu, or ostrich. Whole slab of meat is cut into thick pieces, washed and soaked it in the vinegar soaked solution with salt, spices and sugar to marinade it for several days then left to dry at room temperature. This leads to a delicious taste with a somewhat rubbery texture to accompany it neatly simply and effectively

Jerky is a type of meat culinary that has its beginning in North America with beef being most used ingredient. It’s normally sliced finer to biltong, seasoned with different marinades which may consist of soy sauce and liquid smoke. The meat which is to be marinated is first cooked and then dehydrated at comparatively lesser temperatures so as to give a firmer texture.

Both create distinct flavors for totally different palates though they are both great snacks for protein on the go!

The origins of biltong and jerky

From the history part, one is able to note that biltong and jerky have marked histories which have something to with preservation. Biltong originated in Southern Africa, and is said to have first been produced in the 16th Centurion. Many of them wanted to bring cured meat for their journey that requires a long time to reach their destination, and methods of drying used in the past involved exposing the joints to the air to dry; with or without the addition of vinegar and spices.

On the other hand, jerky has an indigenous American background, it was first eaten in North America by Native Americans. They used sun cures and smoking in order to produce an easily transportable and potable protein. They used local formed elements to reach those specific tastes which every culture was distinctive.

With opening up of trade corridors, both biltong and jerky took on prominence that was beyond the confines of the traditional territories associated with them. Today, they symbolise various cuisines while catering for snacking demand all over the globe. Each of the processes typical for reveals much about their cultural use as well as about their functional exercises over the course of centuries.

Where can I purchase Biltong and Jerky?

Speaking of biltong and jerky purchasing possibilities, there are many of them. If you want to go for a biltong, then you might consider having them at the specialty stores in your state. Search for specialty local stores or gourmet food stores that specialize in importing their meats. There are also other many online stores that also provide excellent quality biltong at your doorstep convenience.

For lovers of jerky the menu is vast. When in a grocery store you can easily locate the section for snacks for jerky that comes in a variety of brands and flavors. Whether it is beef or turkey or something more exotic such as alligator or venison, there is something to be found for every one. Online shopping has changed this also; there are numerous websites dedicated to artisanal jerky.

Both of these treats may be purchased at farmers’ markets and fairs as well Also. Such locations are not only new but it also enables one to taste products before buy biltong.

Whether this is your first time trying dried meats or you’re in the process of trying out new products, expanding your search will only improve your experience with both biltong and jerky. All the options provide different tastes and mouth feel experience to convert even the simplest of snacking moments.

the authorDeandraRivett