
Radiquel: My Path to Plant-Based Living


Welcome, foodies and health-conscious people! Today, we explore Radiquel’s fascinating plant-based path. Join us as we explore her childhood in a non-vegan household, the turning point that opened her eyes to animal agriculture, the challenges she faced in transitioning to a plant-based diet, and the remarkable benefits and changes she experienced. Grab your favourite drink, relax, and let’s start this fascinating voyage!

Being raised non-vegan

Radiquel’s childhood home was full of food. It smelled like bacon and sounded like steaks. Every meal included meat, embedded in their family customs.

Radiquel enjoyed her mother’s delicious lasagna and her father’s roast beef in this non-vegan home. Although these flavours were delightful, as she got older, she couldn’t resist her inquiring mind’s nagging inquiries.

Radiquel  wondered where all the meat came from. Curiosity led to investigation, which introduced her to animal agribusiness, the massive meat industry. The more she learned about factory farming and its environmental impact, the less she liked eating animal products.

Radiquel’s newfound knowledge inspired her to go plant-based. She realised that making conscious food choices may improve her health, animals, and the earth.

Read on as we explore Radiquel  path of discovery, obstacles, growth, and plant-based peace!

The turning point—learning about animal agriculture’s impact

The enlightening documentary “Cowspiracy” was the spark that ignited my plant-based diet. After watching the documentary, I now believe that animal agriculture should be banned. That moment was when I became aware of how significantly this industry impacts our planet.

The video presented startling statistics and information, both of which caused me to reevaluate everything. More greenhouse gases are produced by animal husbandry than by all forms of transportation combined. Simply coming to this conclusion was enough to persuade me that adopting a plant-based diet was essential to lowering my overall carbon footprint.

My conviction in this matter was enhanced by the knowledge that animal agriculture is a primary source of deforestation, water pollution, and the loss of species. It was impossible for me to ignore the damage caused by this enterprise.

In addition to concerns about the environment, ethics surrounding the use of animal products had a significant impact on me. My heart broke when I saw the animals that were being mistreated at factory farms. Through their suffering, they were able to inspire change.

The adjustment to a lifestyle centred on plant-based foods was challenging. It was difficult to break years’ worth of routines and ingrained cultural norms. It seemed like every day brought some amazing new vegan recipe or option that made the lifestyle both simpler and more fulfilling.

My life has significantly improved since I switched to a plant-based diet. I have a better sense of well-being and experience of increased energy. Having the assurance that my decisions are compassionate and environmentally responsible brings me a sense of calm.

Challenges encountered when adopting a plant-based lifestyle

Making the switch to a diet consisting primarily of plant foods is both an exciting and challenging endeavour.   To be successful in your endeavour, you must have an open mind, unwavering determination, and tenacity.   Dealing with intense desires for foods like cheeseburgers and ice cream was one of the most challenging components of the transition process.   Finding sufficient alternatives and unique flavours that wholly satiated my gustatory sensibilities was an arduous process that required a lot of time and work. 

Managing social interactions that focused around the intake of meat and dairy products brought an additional level of difficulty to the issue.   Whenever I went to lunch with my family or friends, I had a hard time explaining my dietary restrictions without coming off as judgmental or insistent.   I progressively gained the ability to successfully express myself while maintaining a respectful attitude towards others. 

When travelling or dining at non-vegan restaurants, it may be difficult to find vegan options.   Anticipating future demands, keeping emergency snacks on hand, and picking varied meals were regularly required. 

the authorDeandraRivett